Parenting Together

A community for parents of children with Pathological Demand Avoidance


Our vision: providing safe, autonomous childhoods together.

With little clinical recognition of PDA in the US, parents of PDAers are leaning on other parents, researchers, a handful of PDA-affirming therapists, and international organizations to learn how to parent our children. This must change. But change takes time. Until then, we’ll continue to lean on each other. That’s what this community is about.


Building in-person and online friendships.

No one can understand our unique experiences like fellow parents of PDAers. We hope to create connections for both parents and children. What does that look like? Local meet-ups, scheduled Roblox sessions, a Slack group for inspiration and questions? The sky’s the limit!


A hub for PDA resources.

So much helpful information is shared online daily. We hope to centralize these resources to help our community easily access them.